What's more, Gawker claims the staff at Countdown with Keith Olbermann knew of the email exchange prior to his booking on Countdown Tuesday night.
An MSNBC spokesperson tells TVNewser, "We were assured by the publicist that this was just a poor choice of words in her haste to find someone to do the waterboarding."
> Update: Mancow responds to Gawker: "We went into this thinking it was going to be a joke. But it was not a joke — it was horrible. 'Hoax' is probably not the right word, but we did think it was going to be a joke."
> Update 2: Gawker's John Cook also talked with Klay South, the marine who performed the waterboarding: "I know nothing about waterboarding. I had never done it before, I have no formal training in it, and I've never had it done to me. The only thing I knew was what I saw on the internet. I went to waterboarding.org and looked it up. I just did what I was told-poured the water on his face and that was it. I'm probably the last person they should have had do it. I didn't know what I was doing."
> Update 3: Mancow will be a guest on Countdown with Keith Olbermann tonight (Friday) to address the situation.