What is with cable news these days--particularly MSNBC? Day after day, show following show, everything is some variation of one topic: what is funny and outrageous and stupid and crazy about various members of the Repub party and the things they say. Under the last (mis)administration we were all kept on the edges of our seats with worry. Now the mood has shifted to hilarity. But I feel cheated.
I don't mind a little of this--but are there any other stories they could cover? Anything happening out in the wide world that might be worth discussing? No, every day it's what did Cheney say, and what did Rush say, and oh here's the clip, and who does Newt say he likes best, and what's wrong with the RNC chair, and did you hear what Glenn Beck said on The View, and on, and on, and on,and on!
I'm sick of them, they have been discredited and thrown out of power. I don't want to hear another word about them, please! It seems like we are hearing even more about them now that they are the minority voice. It's boring. It's boring mainly because it is so irrelevant. They (the GOPers) are yammering about picky little things and nobody is listening besides their tiny band of followers--and of course the people who put on the cable news shows and are always looking for a food fight to cover.
From Tweety to Ed to Keith to Rachael--all variations on the same theme. Is this really the best use of all that airtime? It's a manufactured product designed to attract progressive eyeballs--but the content is pretty shallow.
I think I need a long break from the cable shows.