Yes, it is still early in the process, but it was as though they were avoiding the entire Iraq issue intentially
Her strategy is going to be to attract the female group, and that is not a bad strategy.
Her biggest weakness is that rightly or wrongly, she has generated less than positive labels from all sides:
The liberals believe she is right wing, and the conservatives believe she is left wing
Her position on the war has hurt her badly among liberal, and unless you have the liberal vote in the Democratic party, it will be very hard to win the election. The similar situation exists on the republican side. Unless you have the Christian right vote in the republican party, it will be very hard for them to win the election
The other problem Hillary has is that people either like her or hate her, there is no in between. In my view she unites the republicans, and divides the Democrats, and unless that can be reversed, if she wins the nomination, there is no way she will win the general election.
Personally, I want someone who does not have to run away from their vote on the IWR. I cannot understand why people are so tolerant on this point. Johnson, took the power to start a war away from Congress, with THEIR permission during Viet Nam, and as a result of THAT ABUSE the War Powers Act came about. Thirty plus years later, Congress effectively repealed the War Powers Act with the IWR, and many don't even care, as evidenced by the excuses they make for their respective candidates who voted for that resolution
Obviously, the Viet Nam war which KILLED over 60 thousand Americans, and over a MILLION Indo-Chinese, based on a lie, and giving the president the authority that our founding Fathers never intended does not seem to phase them