Okay, here's one problem I see brewing here. Hillary Rodham Clinton, God love her, wants to be our next President, but she sounds like she's planning a picnic instead of running for the Oval Office. Contrast that with the footage of the DC rally today.
The corporate media has propped up Hillary to be "our" front-runner. If she is indeed the honest choice of most Democrats come the convention next year, then I'll be a good little Democrat, campaign for her, vote for her, and everything in between. But in that DC rally, not everyone who marches is a Democrat. Some are Greens, some are Socialist Workers or other Marxist-leaning types, some are disgruntled Republicans, and a lot of them have no affiliation at all other than being against the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Put all their energy together and focus it on one single objective, and it's truly magnificent.
In my own rambling way, the point I'm trying to make is that I've seen West African nations that were toppled by people with less drive and intelligence than what I saw at the peace rally today. One hundred soldiers with AK-47s, some of them not even old enough to have a single hair between their legs, led by some armed thug with delusions of grandeur and a thirst for blood. Compare that with the positive, overwhelming force of righteousness I saw exhibited at our Capitol today. And just imagine if a single Presidential candidate could capture each and every single vote from the DC marchers.
Hillary says that our country is at a turning point. How right she is.