Rocky Anderson was the stealth speaker at the peace rally today. WOW, where did he come from? He could knock all the declared Democrats right out of the box. Go, Rocky!
Mayor Anderson delivers speech at massive protest against Iraq War in Washington, DC. Read the speech here: excerpt from his speech today:
As mayor of the capital city of the reddest state in the nation, I am
proud to join with millions of good, patriotic Americans who are
standing up and willing to raise their voices against this madness.
We are here today to say, “No more!”
No more Iraq war.
No more God-is-on-our-side religious nonsense to justify this
immoral, illegal war.
No more torture of human beings.
No more denial of the right of habeas corpus.
No more kidnapping of people and sending them off to secret
prisons in nations where they will be tortured.
No more glorification of torture by the entertainment industry.
No more centrally-owned, hysteria-driven, corporate news media
complicit in selling the Bush administration’s lies to the American
No more unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping of American
No more dependence on foreign oil.
No more wars to provide a fix to oil-addicted American
No more failure to support clean, domestically produced
alternative sources of energy.
No more manipulation of national intelligence for political
No more manipulation of our news media with false propaganda.
No more authoritarian assertions of power by the president.
No more silence by the American people.
We have a tremendous opportunity to come together as a nation –
not as red or blue, not as black or white, not as rich or poor – but as a
people who share the common values underlying our Constitution and
the formation of this great nation.
Now is the time to take a stand and speak up. Personal
responsibility calls upon each of us to assert a basic, common morality.
Do we support the assertion of power by one man to engage in
warrantless wiretapping of American citizens?
Do we support the torture of our fellow human beings?
Do we support the kidnapping, disappearance, and brutal
imprisonment of people without charges being brought against them?
Do we support the killing, maiming, and displacement of hundreds
of thousands of people on the basis of lies and ever-changing
It is time for leaders who can move us toward peace – leaders who
will pursue peace and constructive relations as aggressively as the Bush
administration and Congress have pursued violence, hostility, and
Let us all join together, admit our nation’s tragic mistakes of the
past, and pursue constructive engagement with all peoples and all
nations in the pursuit of a more compassionate, peaceful world.
This is a new day. We can unify in our insistence upon the truth,
upon peace-making, upon more humane treatment of our brothers and
sisters around the world. ...