Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. --Thomas Paine
Do you care more about the size of Edwards’ house than the CEO’s occupying the White House? What's your choice: the real estate of a candidate or the surreal State of the Union?
Remember, We The People OWN the White House. The Resident Who Would Be King is not a permanent fixture.
The headlines are screaming at us, folks. The spats over To Impeach Or Not To Impeach are so over. The hearings, investigations and trials are happening RIGHT NOW.
All these Bushco. administration officials currently under investigation of one sort or another-- they all look like CEO’s, talk like CEO’s, act like CEO’s. They ARE CEO’s! They represent CEO’s.
Instead of comparing the square footage of 2008 candidates' homes, why not compare the skyrocketing compensation of CEO’s to the pay of their employees....
.... or compare the real national deficit amount$ and job number$ with what Dubya claimed they were in the SOTU on Tuesday night.
Has anyone figured out what made Cheney laugh, squirm and smirk/grimace, openly mocking for all the world to see, while Dubya was talking about alternative fuel sources and reduction of oil dependence? Aired: January 26, 2007
Congress Debates Iraq Resolution, Vice President Cheney Defends Policies
Vice President Cheney said the administration is committed to sending more troops to Iraq, even if Congress passes a resolution against the plan. Political analysts Mark Shields and David Brooks discuss the Vice President's remarks, reaction to the State of the Union address and other political events.
MARK SHIELDS: And that is, American voters are the most pragmatic people on the face of the earth. The American people have concluded that this war didn't work out. I mean, they really have.That decision has been reached. And that's what we are talking about. We are talking about how we are going to get -- wind it down, and get out. And that's where it is. Nobody -- there is not anywhere near a plurality of any significance in this country that thinks that General Petraeus, with all his genius and all his ingenuity and all his leadership, can make a difference.
JIM LEHRER: What about Cheney himself? What is known, if anything, about how much power Vice President Cheney still exercises with President Bush and the others who are making the decisions about Iraq, et cetera?
DAVID BROOKS: It's always been hard to tell, because, at the White House meetings, they have a big meeting with senior officials. Cheney is sitting there at the table. He's absolutely silent. He never talks at meetings. And then he has had this secret policy channel with Bush, where nobody else knows what it is, including very senior people.
But I still think -- and, so, it has always been mysterious, what their relationship has been.
DAVID BROOKS: But I still think the word in the White House is that he has become much more marginalized, especially since Scooter Libby left, but increasingly more -- less central to the administration.
JIM LEHRER: What have you heard?
MARK SHIELDS: The Republicans whom I have talked to say that he had more influence. And John McCain said this week in an interview with Roger Simon that he has had too much influence on George W. Bush, and one on one on the policy of Iraq.
JIM LEHRER: How do you read the -- speaking of Scooter Libby, how do you read the -- quote -- "revelations" from the trial of Scooter Libby, but particularly those involving -- at least what Fitzgerald has said, about how important Vice President Cheney was in working this whole deal about getting the word out about Valerie Plame, et cetera, being married to Joe Wilson and so forth?
MARK SHIELDS: It was not a happy time for the White House. It is not what they need at this point.
It gives you a look at what was going on. And, first of all, it looks like a civil war in a leper colony between the president and the vice president, and Libby charging -- Libby -- their offices, I mean -- Libby charging that he was the scapegoat, so to avoid Karl Rove, the president's political guru, from falling.
But the vice president, sworn testimony from his own intimates and his vice presidential staff, was deeply, personally involved in rebutting this story, and attacking and discrediting Joe Wilson.