Edited on Sat Jan-27-07 06:16 PM by Peace Patriot
complainer realizing and stating that the word "mainstream" is a FALSE designation for the war profiteering corporate news monopolies, I think I'll scream.
Stop giving them the "mainstream"! SEVENTY-PERCENT of the American people want this war ended. WE are the mainstream--not the frigging warmongers and rightwing billionaire CEOs who control our public airwaves.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop using this term! Call it "the controlled media," if you need a short phrase. Or "the corporate media" will do. I think "the war profiteering corporate news monopolies" is the most accurate, so I type it out every time.
These corporate assholes are controlling who YOU think America is, and have been representing THEMSELVES as the "mainstream," and they have been doing so, on the war and on the Bush Junta, from the beginning. FIFTY-SIX PERCENT of the American people opposed this war before it started. Feb. '03. That would be a landslide in a presidential election. WE were the "mainstream" then, too. But did you see our views reflected anywhere in the war profiteering corporate news monopoly press? Even formerly credible newspapers like the NYT were screaming Bushite propaganda on WMDs.
Please consider this: WE are the mainstream. We here at DU. We out there in DC marching. The war profiteering corporate news monopolies do not deserve the term. They are neither objective, nor on the "middle ground," nor representative, in any way, of real mainstream America. They are liars! They create the ILLUSION that they are "the mainstream" because they have the MONEY to, and the power over news/opinion outlets. It is false. And every time we call them "the mainstream media," we add to their illegitimate power over the news, and add to the difficulties of other Americans in sorting out who America really is and who speaks for us, and in resisting the relentless propaganda that they are subjected to--propaganda that demoralizes and disempowers people by making them feel that they are in the minority.
The subtle marginalization of this huge antiwar protest, by reducing it from the 500,000 that is probably is, to "tens of thousands" or "thousands," and the focus on Jane Fonda--which is legitimate news (after 34 years) but NOT a legitimate focus, with 500,000 other people present--is typical of the war profiteering corporate news monopoly manipulation of images and facts to promote war and militarism. They have been doing it for decades, but never more so than recently. By calling them "mainstream," you raise the expectation that they will change--and also, that WHEN they change, that is, when we convince them of the majority view, the war will end. That is a wrong expectation. THIS so-called "mainstream"--which is nothing more than the consensus of the five, rightwing, war profiteering, billionaire CEOs who control the "news"--is NOT going to change. They are ALREADY fomenting another Iraq--in Iran! You can't change their opinion, because they never have, and never will, reflect any true "mainstream" of the American people. All you can do is bust up their monopolies!
And in order to do that, we have to restore our right to vote, by ending the rightwing Bushite electronic voting corporation control over our election system, with voting machines that are run on "trade secret," proprietary programming code--code so secret that not even our secretaries of state are permitted to review it. It all comes down to this: the right of the REAL mainstream to have TRUE representation in government, which in turn will enforce the right of the REAL mainstream to have use of our own public airwaves.
How about "the fascist media"? Cuz that's the truth.
Rephrase your question: Why have the fascist media got Jane Fonda all over the web in their coverage of this protest?
The answer is obvious.