Meet the Press: HHS Sec. Sebelius, Senate Minority Leader McConnell.
Face the Nation: Sen. Hatch, Rep. Rangel, RNC Chair Steele, former astronaut and Sen. John Glenn.
State of the Union: Orszag, Sens. Leahy and Sessions, Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Fox News Sunday: Orszag, Sen. Gregg, Buzz Aldrin.
This Week: Preempted for British Open coverage.
Fareed Zakaria GPS: Rwandan President Paul Kagame sits down with Fareed to discuss his nation's 15 year journey from genocide to economic growth and autocratic, but stable governance. Plus, in the midst of the deadliest month ever for NATO forces in Afghanistan, does it make sense to have so many troops there? Does their presence help or hurt US interests in Pakistan? Should they be pulled out? Watch to find out the strikingly different views of two experts.
Andrew Bacevich -Dr. Bacevich is an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq and is the
author of numerous essays and books.
David Kilcullen -In 2007 he served closely under General Petraeus in Iraq as
Senior Counterinsurgency Adviser, Multi-National Force - Iraq, and was responsible for planning and executing
the 2007-2008 Joint Campaign Plan.
CBS 60 Minutes Will Be Preempted Sunday, July 19; Broadcast Returns July 26
CBS Pays Tribute To Walter Cronkite Sunday;snavSunday Breakfast Menu, July 19