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Hillary - earned some points with me today, but a new criticism as well...

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Skip Intro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 09:33 PM
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Hillary - earned some points with me today, but a new criticism as well...
Edited on Sat Jan-27-07 09:34 PM by Skip Intro

She's not going to, evidently, dodge the Iraq vote questions. She appears to have decided to face, not avoid, criticisms and questions regarding her vote. That's a plus, imho - I want to hear what she has to say there. At the time, a yes vote meant traitor to me. The whole world knew, except for the willing war-happy, flag-waving bots, that attacking Iraq was a sham. Knew it was a sham. World wide protests prove it. Lack of a true coalition prove it. Revelations about the sham since prove it. Hillary wasn't, and isn't stupid, or naive, or gullible. She had to know what she was voting for. Knowing that, I'm willing to listen to what she has to say about it now. Kerry and Edwards eventually said they were wrong to vote yes. I'm ok with that. We're human beings, we screw up. Admit your mistake and move on, its all you can do. Some won't even do that, tho, and I don't expect Hillary to ever say she was wrong. But I will listen to what she has to say now, for now. Even with an open mind, because there are two sides to every story, and I'd like to hear her side.

And it must be noted, that this was less than a year after 9*11, and less than a month before mid-term elections, and a pResident with unreal approval ratings and ads featuring Democrats as terrorist-lovers....and yes, votes should have been based on conviction, not what would play well, or not, with voters, but those dynamics were heavily at work, and surely played a part. Not excusing anyone's yes vote by noting these things, it was the climate at the time.

So she did address the issue, no do-overs, taking responsibility, and all that. Good for her, but those are careful words for someone seeking to appear candid. Still, I will listen. Maybe she'll say her vote was a mistake, and be sincere - and lament the hundreds of thousands of dead and dying that she helped to become that way...some true remorse, I dunno. I don't expect it anyway, but I will listen. For now. To read that she actually talked about the vote in more than a passing it off way - I thought it was a hopeful sign.

But then she says something like this:

"I take responsibility for having voted to give him that authority," she said. "My focus is on what we do now. That is the proper debate."

The proper debate?

Here she just utters a false, oft used by the repukes, reasoning that our focus should now be on________. FU, you know. You screw things up, kill a lot of people, and then tell me where to look? Sorry, Hillary, that is bushco bs, and I cannot let it pass, no matter who its from. One does not need to forget how we got into this bloody, sinful mess in order to look at the current situation and ponder a way out. Its not one or the other, and you don't get off that easy. Sorry, this isn't going away - clear your throat, clear your mind, relax, and level with us now, because that's your only hope if you're really in to win. Don't insult me by telling me I'm trying to engage in an improper debate. And don't offer some blanket amnesty to the warmongers who put us here. How we got here will always be a valid, and vital, and massively pressing issue until those responsible for the murder and chaos and tragedy on such a grand scale are held accountable. I will not just look over there.

With all due respect, we'll tell you what the proper debate is, Hillary.

Having said that, wouldn't it be somewhat satisfying, purely politically, to have the Clintons back in the WH, after the continual onslaught of bs thrown at them for eight years? Some kind of justice? Or just more theater?

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illinoisprogressive Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 09:40 PM
Response to Original message
1. remember the constant crisis and controversy. The constant polarizing
hacking. the loss of the house. This time all this would be on even higher voltage as bill will have his time free and so the constant speculation and the constant gossiping, blah blah. And with Hillary being the decider, the polarization will be worse than ever.
and we a problem with monarchies.
Especially with these two families...
No. 8 years of the clinton headaches and 8 years of the bush regime = exhaustion.
It's time to fix the country and ourselves. It's time for some peace and quiet and focusing on the real problems and not gossiping or hate politics.
No. the Clintons back in the WH would be awful
It's time for a new last name and new blood. Time to move on. Besides, how would you know if someone could do better than Bill if the Dems keep electing clintons.
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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 09:47 PM
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2. As to your last question - I would be afraid to have the Clintons
in the White House - now. They make me nervous - now. I wasn't nervous in the 90's. Can't explain it. Gut feeling I think, based on my non-support of the DLC and their ground breaking friendships with their former enemies. Outside of that, I can't explain what is going on with me.
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William769 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 09:48 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. It's called being brainwashed.
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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 10:38 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. I was brainwashed? If yes, in the 90's or now?
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