Perhaps being of mixed race gives me something of a different perspective. I'm 1/2 Chinese, 1/2 Caucasian but I look almost 100% Caucasian. Whether this really does gives me a different perspective on the issue of racism or not I don't know, likely it doesn't. All I know is that for the better part of my life I have been inordinately sensitive to racism in all it's Technicoloured glory. Again looking Caucasian I have never been the but of all that much racism but being 1/2 Chinese and feeling the part I've always found it very easy to put myself in the shoes of the other, been able to see the other side of "the joke". It's really just a gut reaction.
It's hard to imagine in this day and age that not only are we dealing with long term underlying racial and social stereotypes, which we may be living with for a long long time yet, but that the blatant racism of a century ago is still alive and well. Put on your Xbox 360 head set and run into any one of the massively popular online worlds out there and on the first words you will likely to hear or read is ni**er. I just got off a forum where someone posted "Obama is just another fucking ni**er". You can hardly go into an online discussion forum these days without running into some discussion spouting how one part of the world or another is backward and "uncivilized" by 'our standards'. Sometimes this is couched in the disguise of a discussion about culinary or cultural differences, sometimes it's just out in the open.
Understand I am not on the side of absolute cultural relativism here. Stoning women to death for the adulterous deeds of her husband she was forced to marry is nothing but the utmost of evil. So is genital mutilation and a number of other practises. We are very right to be angry about such practises and they must change. But let us be careful at the same time not to become too complacent with those who simply wish to mock feign cultures and peoples for being different. It's one thing to argue that the Japanese should stop whaling because of it's deleterious affects on whale populations the ecosystem. It's another to alienate Japanese culture in general as so much "wierdo Jap trash" and the like.