Sign of the Apocalypse: Mike "Heckuva Job Brownie" Now Hosting Radio As a Political/Gov't Expert
by: David Sirota
Wed Aug 12, 2009 at 12:53
So I'm driving home after finishing up my drive-time radio show here on AM760 in Colorado, and I'm flipping through the stations and I come upon 850 KOA - the local conservative station. There's a host on there filling in for the regular guy - and this guest host has a vaguely familiar voice. He's whining and moaning about how he's among the richest 5 percent in the country and is being oppressed by the tax system. He's reading the script with the usual lies - all of them addressed and debunked in my most recent column. I'm getting mildly irritated listening to the drivel - but then become apoplectic when I hear this person introduce himself as Michael Brown.
Yes, Mike "Heckuva Job, Brownie" Brown. On the airwaves. As a political/governmental expert.
I. Shit. You. Not.
If this isn't definitive proof of reverse gravity and wingnut welfare, I really don't know what is. This guy is literally the international posterboy for incompetence - a guy who basically did nothing while an American city drowned. And just four short years later, he's on the airwaves as a serious political/governmental expert.Help drown an American city, become a global symbol for incompetence, and then successfully promote yourself as an "expert" and obtain a top-5-percent salary...I'm adding that phenomenon to my list of serious Signs of the Apocalypse.
P.S. Listen in to AM760 tomorrow between 7am and 10am Mountain Time (9am-12pm ET) - we're going to go point-by-point through Brownie's tax lies. As the data will show, he's indeed doing "a heckuva job" with the truth.