By Thomas Burr
The Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated:01/28/2007 03:15:01 AM MST
WASHINGTON - Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson demanded an end to the war in Iraq and rallied tens of thousands of protesters to scream "no more" on Saturday at one of the largest anti-war rallies in the nearly four-year-old conflict.
Anderson, who joined other politicians and celebrities in addressing a sprawling crowd on the National Mall, called the protesters "true patriots" who are outraged at President Bush, a "complacent" Congress and a "dismal" news media that have caused millions of people to suffer pain and tragedy.

"That is not what we, as Americans, stand for," Anderson said, sharing the stage with a flag-draped coffin topped with combat boots for a fallen Massachusetts Marine. "That is not what our country stands for. And we want the world to know it. Blind obedience to bad leadership is not patriotism."
The mayor, a vocal Democratic activist who emerged onto the national anti-war scene during protests against Bush's two visits to Utah in the last two years, blasted a litany of government actions, including "unconstitutional wiretapping" and torture.
"No more Iraq war," Anderson belted out to an audience quickly willing to recite "No more" with him.
"No more God-is-on-our-side religious nonsense to justify this immoral, illegal war."
Organizers expected more than 100,000 people to attend the rally, which stretched several blocks from the Capitol vicinity toward the White House.
Police declined to give a crowd estimate, but the Washington Post and The Associated Press estimated the crowd at less than 100,000. 
Protesters came from across the country to speak out against the war and also against Bush's planned increase of more than 20,000 troops to help curtail the escalating violence in Iraq.
Anti-war luminaries, such as presidential candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Vietnam War anti-war poster child Jane Fonda, took a turn at the microphone to rally supporters. Hollywood names including Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn and Rhea Perlman also made appearances.
Many hoisted signs bashing the president, calling for an end to the Iraq occupation or other causes. Several flew U.S. flags with a peace sign replacing the 50 stars. "No more lambs to the slaughter," said one poster.
A handful of Utahns joined in the protest, including 17-year-old Tess Harper, who held a sign emblazoned with a drawing of Utah and the words "We the people have spoken, 'Bring our heroes home!' ''

"This war will be affecting my generation," said Harper, a Salt Lake City resident and East High graduate whose father, Steve, brought her to the rally. "My generation will have to pay for this. We'll have to deal with all the consequences they created."
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