Will Al Gore run for president?
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:11 PM
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Poll question: Will Al Gore run for president? |
It's the hope of many he will run, but do you really think he will?
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:12 PM
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1. he would be a good EPA head |
vote 4 democracy
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:13 PM
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:16 PM
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3. He's not even running yet, is he? - n/t |
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:19 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. No, but I've seen him thrown in just about 'who would you pick' ... |
poll and question on a ton of threads. It seems like many expect him to even though he hasn't said.
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:22 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. I think it says something that so many people would rather support someone who isn't running... |
...than those who have declared that they are.
vote 4 democracy
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:22 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
7. I re-watched An Inconvenient Truth last night and I really believe |
he will feel that it is his moral imperative.
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:21 PM
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5. How about the question: Will we actually do something about the climate crisis... |
before we make this planet totally uninhabitable? That seems like a more fitting question now instead of constantly worrying if Al Gore is going to run. He is already doing his part for this planet. Scientists claim we only have TEN years to save this planet... and the operative word there is WE.
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:26 PM
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:40 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
11. I can't, I 'm not a donor |
And can't afford to be. Perhaps then someone else will list it so it can be ignored. Seems the only threads that get any attention here regarding Al Gore only concern him "running", not regarding the real work he is doing to wake us up.
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:29 PM
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9. My choice: "I don't know" |
It's really pitiful that so many fear admitting that - in so many ways.
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:36 PM
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10. I sure hope Gore runs!!... But if he doesn't plan to... |
I hope when he picks up his Oscar he gives a great speech outing Cheney’s PNAC plan.
When PNAC becomes common knowledge...it just may kill off the aspirations any senator to run for President.
My feeling on this is, anyone who knew about Cheney and Rumsfeld’s plan to dominated the Middle East even before 9-11, yet didn’t talk about *it* during our lead up to war...kept quiet for either political reasons or they didn’t have the guts to go against the mob we have in the White House.
I want a democratic candidate in ’08 who has the balls to fight for us! ...We need a patriot!
:kick: and recommend to keep this poll afloat.
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:47 PM
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12. I don't know, but I hope so. I need a 2nd choice to Dennis. |
The rest are a bunch of noseholders at best, and my nose is plumb worn out.
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:52 PM
Response to Reply #12 |
13. I hear ya, Tierra - my nose is plumb worn out, too. |
I'm SO sick of having to hold my nose when I go into the voting booth - seems to be the case more often than not. Can we please find a Dem candidate to acutally get EXCITED about?!!
I SOOOO hope that Gore gets in it.
Jackpine Radical
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:53 PM
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14. I wish he would, but I don't think so. |
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:56 PM
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15. I'd love it if he runs. Somehow I doubt that he feels like he's |
*done enough.* I'm sure he wants to keep right on going and if he thinks the presidency will help him do that, I think he'll feel its his duty to run.
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Sun Jan-28-07 02:56 PM
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16. There are 2 hurricane seasons left before 11/08. |
El Nino is gone, so that raises the chances for another Katrina. IF that happens, the people may demand that he run. :scared:
I hope he runs, but I don't think he will :-( unless it's necessary.
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