Edited on Sun Jan-28-07 07:47 PM by SoCalDem
You can quit now, dude.
You managed to top your Poppy. He was a failure who only got ONE term.. but HEY! you are a failure who managed to grab (and I emphasize GRAB) TWO terms.
I know the Bush family has always felt second best to the Kennedys, in the dynasty department, and the Bush clan is inordinately interested in "records"..
Well goody.. You got some records.
QuakerOatsMom was wife of and mother to a president
Poppy was president and father of a president (does he count being son of a nazi-sympathizer senator-dad in his resume'?)
Dad started a war, and you started TWO. You killed waaaaaay more people than he did. Your war lasted YEARS longer than his Your war will forever change the world's opinion of the USA.
Mission Accomplished...
Now GO HOME... we're all tried of looking at your ugly mug.
and take the Xanax Queen with you