"The lord didn't create very many things without a purpose, but mosquitoes and the EPA come close I think," Chafin said to huge applause. "What happens to the coal and the entire nation? Who keeps these lights on for the country if you take away 40 percent of the coal that's mined in southern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky?"
Sadly, that was the Democratic Senate majority leader of West Virginia, Truman Chafin, who said it.
Welcome to the land of Appalachia where reality is distorted through the prism of coal.
There was a hearing today in Charleston, in which the DEP sought comments from the public on changes to the permit process for mountaintop removal.
Looks lovely, doesn't it?
The coal industry bussed in large numbers of people to behave like ugly teabaggers and shout down the opposition from environmentalists.
And all the usual coal industry shills-posing as-government leaders were there, like Mr. Chafin.
Mining supporters in West Virginia heckled the few environmentalists who testified in favor of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposal to eliminate or at least suspend a streamlined permitting process for surface mines in six Appalachian states. Hearings were also being held in Tennessee and are set for later this week in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
more at:
http://wvgazette.com/ap/ApTopStories/200910130939?page=2&build=cacheDrop our esteemed Democratic leader a note and ask him what part od protecting the environment he believes serves no purpose: