Today was a photo op to highlight ground zero of the take over of public education by charter schools. They descended like vultures after the hurricane to conduct a grand experiment in privatized "public" education. Obama's education secretary, arne duncan, is a big charter school fanatic (especially in the form of military high schools) from chicago and pushes obama's neo liberal mission to privatize public schools.
"Some critics call the charter invasion of New Orleans a challenge to democratic values. Writing about New Orleans in a new book, Leigh Dingerson, education team leader for the Center for Community Change in the District, says Louisiana school authorities have "opened a flea market of entrepreneurial opportunism that is dismantling the institution of public education in New Orleans."
But most educators and parents here are not taking sides in the ideological war over charters. An October teachers union report warned against "destructive rivalry" between regular and charter schools. Christian Roselund, spokesman for the United Teachers of New Orleans, said "the jury is still out" on how schools of any kind are going to perform. Regular schools are changing, too, and some state officials want to give tax-funded vouchers to help students attend private schools. Eighty-three percent of New Orleans public school families have low incomes.
Before the flood, New Orleans usually ranked near the bottom nationally in reading and math. This spring, results from the Louisiana Educational Assessment Program tests show modest gains for schools here, but overall achievement is still poor. There is no data yet on how charters compared with regular schools. About a third of fourth- and eighth-graders flunked the latest state tests. Sixty percent of sophomores failed in their first try at English and math tests that they must pass to graduate." and their kinder gentler cousin charter schools are neo con milton freidman's creation with the goal of privatizing public education.;jsessionid=D03563D6B36D1FB7C733CEA4468A5FD4 So you are right and you may see a little extra help but this wasn't about helping new orleans or louisiana, it was all about private business.