Australian School Bans "Inappropriate" Hugging
An Australian school is getting international attention these days -- not for its academics or athletics, though.
It has a new policy -- a policy on hugging.
The principal at the Largs Bay Primary School in Adelaide, Australia, has banned "inappropriate" hugging.
The school says you can still hug a friend.
Just don't go too far.
The principal is apparently concerned about PDA's (public displays of affection) by students in Year 6 and Year 7 (11-to-13-year-olds) who have boyfriends or girlfriends.
"We set strong standards of behavior for our Year 6 and 7 students, who are seen as role models by our younger students," said Largs Bay principal Julie Gale, in an e-mail to the Associated Press (AP).
"We have standards," she told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "And we've got younger children in the schoolyard. So we expect appropriate forms of affection."