or maybe western Oregon, Washington. Main criteria is a food producing region.
If we learned anything from New Orleans, it is that large population centers will be a problem.
You did ask about "worst-case" after all. Anything less would be a soft sell.
Or, you can choose to make your stand where you are. Prepare for a 10 gal/mo. gas ration (~80% gas, or 7.4 Mbbl/dy petroleum, reduction). Maintain, or be in a position to acquire in short order, a six month supply of food.
If they engage Iran, and if it gets out of control, we would be looking at 45% of the worlds 2005 petroleum export market going offline. Think we will still be able to import that 12.4 Mbbl/dy of SUV go-juice with the Chinese, Indians, Japanese, South Koreans, Germans, French etc. all using those dollars they have accumulated to bid against us in what remains of the export market.
Basically, loss of probably 50% of our petroleum supply as we are outbid on the world market. Further, as dollars are no longer recycled back into the economy from overseas, since we produce little to trade for said oil, economic collapse. Russia has always wanted an aircraft carrier, maybe they would trade oil for a few used ones, like the Raygun?
On the plus side, we still produce a lot of oil (40%, or 8.3 Mbbl/dy, almost as much as Russia) domestically. We won't starve. But with a 10 gal/mo gasoline ration, I think SUV sales will be down.
Open war in the Persian Gulf region could eliminate 18.7 Mbbl/dy, or 45% of the worlds 2005 petroleum export market.
Overnight, for all practical purposes.
http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/oiltrade.htmlAll in Mbbl/dy
Top World Oil Net Exporters, 2005
Saudi Arabia 9.1
Russia 6.7
Norway 2.7
Iran 2.6
United Arab Emirates 2.4
Nigeria 2.3
Kuwait 2.3
Venezuela 2.2
Algeria 1.8
Mexico 1.7
Libya 1.5
Iraq 1.3
Angola 1.2
Kazakhstan 1.1
Qatar 1.0
Above represents 39.9 Mbbl/dy of 42 Mbbl/dy world export market
18.7 Mbbl/dy of above in Persian Gulf region