Edited on Mon Jan-29-07 12:48 AM by Horse with no Name
It's one of those words that just rolls off your tongue. Many Republicans have a hard time practicing it, but it is an EXPECTED practice of Progressives. I am not the best at conserving resources. But I try. I am changing out my lightbulbs as my old ones burn out. I have insulated my house and windows. I turn lights off. I have decreased my driving. I barter babysitting services to a friend whose daughter also attends college to drive my daughter back and forth. I turn out lights at work. But most of all, I care. When I give discharge instructions to new parents...it is amazing what they hold onto. Clean the umbilical cord 3X a day with alcohol. Such a simple thing. However...I actually had one new mom call in tears because she forgot to do it once and was convinced her baby was going to suffer ills from it. So now, I tell them do it at least 3 times a day...if you forget it once or do it more it's no big deal. You'll get the same result in the end. Same with global warming. Even if someone can't do EVERYTHING...as long as they do something, it is helping and we should be grateful for that. My project this Spring is to put up a clothesline and decrease my dryer use. Baby steps. Setting goals. Working together. That's what being Progressive is all about.
Speaking of tolerance, I found this website sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Center. www.tolerance.org