It was a horrible tragedy and I feel deep sympathy for the victims and their families, and for Cho's family, and even to an extent to Cho himself. But why do the "news" people have to exploit this so much? Hell, even Keith Olbermann is guilty in this case. When it became clear that his show was going to be Cho-All-The-Time, I switched over and watched "Jericho" on CBS. I'm a big fan of KO, but just couldn't stomach more and more "news" that contained nothing new and important. Every time that some crazy tragedy happens, the "news" media milk it for every cheap ratings point that they can muster, ignoring the ultimately more important stories about major tragedies that can still be prevented. It really ticks me off how our fellow American citizens, the less aware ones, fall for this nonsense. I don't think that the shootings were a Rovian plot or anything like that, but the way the media work in this country is all about distracting the people with shiny, and often bloody, objects. And I'm pissed about it.