Instead of tracking down terra-ists the GOP led congress and Ken Starr, spent seventy-five million of the taxpayers dollars and tied up fifty FBI inspectors, for over four years, tracking down what two private American citizens were doing. The GOP finally brought down the Evil Bill Clinton's Evil Clenis, but in the meanwhile 19 "terra-ists" slipped into the country unchecked and unnoticed. The fifty FBI agents were too busy tracking down Bill Clinton's sex life and Hillary's bank account and didn't connect the dots leading up to 9/11.
The "terra-ists" went down to Jeb Bush's state and learned to fly airplanes and on their days off, those same "terra-ists" cruised around in style, on Jack Abramoff cruise ship down in Florida, while the fifty FBI agents did DNA tests on Monica's dress tail and roughed up and interrogated Evil desperados like Susan McDougal.
George Bush went down to Florida too, for a photo op, on the morning of 9/11, 2001. He sat there in that classroom full of first graders with the deer in the headlights look on his face, as the "terra-ists" flew airliners into buildings in New York, but unlike the kids, the pResident didn't learn a thing from that mind numbing lesson, that the "terra-ists" taught America, about our shoddy national security on that horrid day.
Why would I say that George didn't learn anything from 9/11? Because when he came back to Washington, after the 9/11 attack on New York and Washington, he again put federal agents to work spying on thousands of American citizens, instead of the real terrorists. Our federal investigators have been using their time snooping on us, instead of protecting us ever since, thanks to George Bush...
Why did I post this in the middle of the night? Because I woke up scared and worried, just like millions of other Americans have, since George Bush's and the GOP failed to thwart the terrorist attack on 9/11, due to ineptitude, their unquenchable lust for more power, short sightedness and stupidity.