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We must demand PROOF of Iranian involvement in Iraq...

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
zanne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 10:14 AM
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We must demand PROOF of Iranian involvement in Iraq...
I just watched CNN for about five minutes and learned that 1)The Defense Dept. has told the White House that Iranians are fostering more sectarian violence in Iraq 2) A top Iranian official (they didn't say who) admitted that Iranians are getting involved in Iraq 3) US troops have found explosives stamped with Iranian symbols AND documents 4) Iran is funding Iraqi terrorists.
Nowhere, in this smorgasbord of propaganda, did they offer any evidence of their findings. They're also relying on "expatriots" for information. Does this all sound familiar? Why aren't we questioning the validity of these findings before they "become facts"? One day soon, unless we do some serious questioning NOW, we'll all wake up to find that we've "pre-emptively" invaded Iran.
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gilpo Donating Member (601 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 10:25 AM
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1. I was thinking the same thing while watching Meet The Press.....
...this weekend. Where is the proof that Iran is meddling in Iraq? All these pundits make statement without ever offering any proof. I was hoping that Schumer would pounce on it, but he didn't for some reason.
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zanne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 10:35 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Well, if none of our congresspeople "pounce" on it....
We're right back where we were pre-Iraq invasion, when the Dems had no choice but to give Bush authority to invade Iraq for fear of being called "unpatriotic". It worked for Bush once, why not one more time?
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Parisle Donating Member (849 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 10:36 AM
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3. Agree wholeheartedly,....
--- It has been adequately established that the administration cannot be trusted on its pronouncements and accusations regarding the Mideast countries it wants to attack anyway. We know that they have lied, but whether lying or miscalculating, they have lost the trust of the people on these matters. Furthermore, the democrats ought to adopt the attitude of universal skepticism over everything the administration says, and they ought to make this clear to the American people. ("Hmm,.. well, if it was anybody but Bush & Cheney saying it, then we might feel it worth looking into."
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RaleighNCDUer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 10:58 AM
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4. And just last month, IIRC, the British commander of the southern
sector, where these weapons would be coming across the border, said there was NO evidence that there are weapons coming across the border. Rather like the IAEA saying there was NO evidence of WMDs in Iraq before that war started, and being equally ignored.
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chelsea0011 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 11:08 AM
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5. Hell. this adminstrartion will use "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" to show
Iranian involvement.
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Avalux Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 11:08 AM
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6. CNN confused the hell out of me this morning -
Specifically, your point #1:

1)The Defense Dept. has told the White House that Iranians are fostering more sectarian violence in Iraq

In one report from Iraq (Arwa Damon, I believe), it was stated that our troops are encountering the most problems from Sunni insurgents, that the Shia aren't the ones shooting down the helicopters and attacking our troops. In fact, the Shia don't want to fight.

Then, about 20 minutes later, Barbara Starr was on reporting from the Pentagon. She regurgitated the talking points about Iran supplying sophisticated materials and aid to the insurgency and how Iranian agents are being linked to attacks on our troops.

Well, after listening to both those reports, I was left scratching my head. Does anyone else see the problem here? Sunni and Iran don't mix.
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