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Matt Taibbi: Obama set to march into 2nd year behind a banner waved by political corpse Karl Rove

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-30-09 08:11 PM
Original message
Matt Taibbi: Obama set to march into 2nd year behind a banner waved by political corpse Karl Rove

Some of you may have read the above quote — from an editorial written by Karl Rove this past week in the Wall Street Journal – and thought to yourselves, “Karl Rove? Is he still alive?” A very natural question to ask, given the events of the past few years, which saw the Bush administration (and its accompanying historical legacy, or lack thereof) reduced to rubble thanks in large part to the horrific decision to put a purely political animal like Rove in charge of White House policy.

We’d also watched last fall as Rove acolyte Steve Schmidt entered the all-time Hall of Campaign Managerial Shame thanks to his ignominious bungling of the McCain run for the presidency, during which time Schmidt had pulled the trigger on two of the more nakedly cynical vote-getting ploys in our recent electoral history — the last-minute addition of dingbat bible-thumper Sarah Palin to the ticket in a transparent ploy to snatch up votes from the Limbaugh demographic McCain himself reviled, and the late-stage decision to use Palin to run a race-baiting campaign painting their black opponent as not “one of us.”

Not only did neither ploy work, but Schmidt may have ruined race-baiting/guilt-by-association campaign strategies at the national level for a whole generation of corrupt politicians, so badly did all his harping on Bill Ayers blow up in his face.

Karl Rove may have won George Bush the White House two times in a row, but since then he and his minions have been on one of the worst political losing streaks ever, surrendering both houses of Congress to the Democrats and the presidency to a black “community organizer,” to say nothing of how badly all of the policies he encouraged Bush to pursue have fared in reality, i.e. the world out side the voting booth (if there’s any justice, he and Dick Cheney will stand next to each other on the dock in the next world for getting us into Iraq).

And yet here is Rove, talking about the deficit problem in the Wall Street Journal, and watch and see if he doesn’t get some traction with this reappearance on the policy stage. As bizarre as it sounds, the stage is set for Barack Obama, supposedly the most liberal president in history, to march into his second year in office behind a banner being waved by Karl Rove, a political corpse.
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Gman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-30-09 08:46 PM
Response to Original message
1. That's a fucked up article
Edited on Mon Nov-30-09 08:47 PM by Gman
written by a pretty fucked up person. Why would someone say something like this?
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AllentownJake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-30-09 08:49 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Because it is accurate
President Obama is going into deficit fighting mode in reaction to republican critiques on deficits.
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