Siegelman's days of freedom numbered?Monday, November 30, 2009
By Bob Gambacurta
If former governor and convicted felon Don Siegelman at one time harbored hopes that political intervention in Washington would keep him out of prison, those hopes, fading in recent months, appear to have now been dashed. The lead-up to Siegelman's 2006 trial, and conspiracy and bribery convictions along with HealthSouth founder and former CEO Richard Scrushy, was fraught with allegations of political persecution.
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It was during that time leading up to the November 2008 presidential and congressional elections that Siegelman became the darling of the Democrats and the poster boy for Bush administration politicizing of the Department of Justice.
You'll recall, among other events: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi praised Siegelman in a Birmingham speech and promised reform of the Justice Department; the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. John Conyers, D-Michigan, launched an investigation by his committee and even tried to force former White House advisor Karl Rove to testify; U.S. Rep. Artur Davis, D-Birmingham, was one of Siegelman's most vocal and outspoken defenders and even signed Conyers' letter demanding Rove testify before the committee; and there was even speculation that if Democrat Barack Obama was elected president that he would order DOJ to reexamine the Siegelman case and that a pardon could be in the offing.
A year ago, the Democrats won overwhelming victories in the House and Senate and of course put Obama in the White House. All of a sudden, the former governor of Alabama, a one-time darling of the Democrats, became Don Who?
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Even though his political case is no longer considered very sexy by the Democrats, Siegelman and Scrushy, for that matter, are continuing efforts to appeal their convictions to the U.S. Supreme Court. But now, even the Obama Justice Department has turned its back on Siegelman.
Last Friday, the Justice Department filed a brief opposing a review of the case by the nation's highest court.
It had to hurt Siegelman even deeper, when the media portrayed the case, "no help from the White House for Siegelman" and "Obama administration is opposing former Gov. Don Siegelman's appeal of his felony corruption conviction before the U.S. Supreme Court."
Obama, Pelosi, Conyers, Davis and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, once champions of the Free Siegelman Campaign, now probably won't even take his phone call.
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But now, eleven months into the Obama administration, the Justice Department has removed less controversial U.S. Attorneys in Birmingham and Mobile. Their replacements have been named and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Yet, Ms. Canary remains on the job in Montgomery - no successor in sight. Curious, isn't it?