Let's all set our TVs to fast-forward, just like
Arthur Silber did last week.
OK, I'm touched by the solemnity of the event.
Wingers say that Obama isn't respected by the military, but you can tell the soldiers respect their Commander-in-Chief. Nay,
our Commander-in-Chief. I trust my President! I'm telling you, this is no ordinary photo-op! It's the best photo-op evah! I'm crying already! I should keep it down, I might wake up little
four-month-old Obiden.
I'm hoping my President is going to say the war is ending soon. He did say to hope for change didn't he?
Oh, well. Still, only three Friedman Units until an unspecified amount of drawdown from the increased force he's sending sounds pretty good. In fact the more troops he sends now to kill and die for a year-and-a-half, the more impressive it will be when he starts that drawdown, even if there turn out to be excellent reasons to delay it. I trust my President!
Besides, he's sending slightly fewer troops than some general said to. Don't let the peace be the enemy of the
good war.
I can't wait to hear what he says next! So far, this might be even better than the speech where he said he'd disown the black community before he'd disown Reverend Wright! Really, it's that good! I can't believe I ever doubted him! I wouldn't blame him if he disowned me, too!