Edited on Tue Dec-01-09 07:13 PM by nadinbrzezinski
First I do not like this escalation.
Second we are eight years too late to change the dynamic that partly came to be after the WEST, not just the US, left the Afghanis to their own devices after 1991.
Third, we are part and parcel of a civil war between the folks in the city and the folks in the country side. (And this is a huge simplification before I am called on it. Would take books and days... )
That said anybody surprised that Obama is escalatin' well wasn't listening during the Campaign. This is a man who called this a good war, a just war and a necessary war. He told you he was going to dedicate them resources to win this war. (Which is nuts for other reasons)
But if you are angry because he is ahem, breaking with the base... do me a favor and go back and LISTEN to his speeches regarding Afghanistan ok... because he is doing EXACTLY what he told you he was going to do. Oh and by the way the parallels to ahem LBJ and Nam will probably be somewhat accurate after a few years.
Oh and for those wondering if this has any continuation in history... well yes, yes it does. It is called the Grand Central Asian Game... and you know what guys? It goes back at least 200 years. Oh and yes, it does have to do with the control of resources, and the silk road... not just oil...