Closed. Gone. Notta. Pee in your pants or find a private facility in which to relieve yourself. The convenient rest area is becoming a thing of the past.
For example, the only remaining rest areas on I-85 within the state-boundaries of Georgia are the Georgia Welcome Stations at the Alabama border and South Carolina borders inbound to Georgia. There are zero rest areas between Atlanta and the SC or ALA lines outbound. The latest closure was the I-85 southbound rest area closest to Atlanta, where I-985 from Gainesville joins I-85 (a very important stop for those in the know who would rather not soil their britches in non-moving traffic two miles from the Jimmy Carter Boulevard exit).
Alabama rest area closures are not as bad. Mississippi has closures on I-20. Louisiana has at least four rest areas on I-20 east and west bound closed. Texas has closed at least six rest areas between Shreveport and Dallas.
I'm on a quick SC-Dallas-SC road trip, and those are my latest observations. I saw similar rest area closures on my SC-Oregon-SC journey that was well documented on DU.
Post your interstate rest area closures here. I think this is a fairly widespread deal.