On 9/11 3000+ People were killed in a terrorist attack.
For this we went to war and continue to do so.
How many more die from depression (suicide), lack of health care, poverty, Homelessness, murder, etc, here each year?
When will we declare war on those things and bring to bear the full force of our government to fight it all?
We can bail out wall street with the quickness, we can send more troops to a country thousands of miles away that poses no threat to us, and yet we cannot fight the issues here at home?
I don't want a war on terror, I want a war against the things which are killing and harming us day to day - and yet we don't get that. Why?
Are YOU scared of the taliban in Afghanistan? Or are you more scared of not being able to get the meds you need, the healthcare you need, jobs, etc?
Iraq, Afghanistan pose no threat to me - not being able to get the mental/physical health care I need because I don't have insurance or a job poses a real threat to me.
But there is no money for that, there is no big speech over it all, and there are no troops to rush in and save me or others.
You want to save lives? More money for research on cancer, HIV/AIDS, Heart disease, helping the poor, homeless, etc.
Why are we not in a war against the things which are REALLY hurting us?
And WHY THE HELL do we reject people who are gay who want to serve and protect us?
Priorities, let's get them straight.