entire clip below and see Hissyspit's transcript above (thanks HS!) "Well, I think that many of us know that President Bush and Dick Cheney took this country into a war in Iraq that we did not have to fight, kept this country in Afghanistan and prolonged a war that we did not have to continue, and frankly, with (Cheney) speaking out, he should be held accountable. Both he and the President should have been impeached. President Bush, that is, should have been impeached. And Mr. Cheney should still be held accountable for the lies that he told that took us into the war in Iraq.
:evilfrown: We Americans and Congress members who did not support investigation and impeachment of the Bushco. Administration helped hand this off to this president, this Congress, this public, these soldiers, these casualties THIS SIDE OF THE BLOODY LOOKING GLASS.
KUCINICH: Now with respect to Afghanistan, we should not be escalating, and it's an unfortunate thing that President Obama has made the decision to escalate. You can't be in and out at the same time. You may talk about an exit strategy, but the truth of the matter is that you first have to escalate and then you find out how long you're going to be there. And I think it is regrettable. We don't have the money to do this. We are weakening our ability to defend this country by doing it. And I think it's going to undermine the United States' role in the region and create even further instability."