There is no list existent of the half dozen most lunatic fringe members of Congress that doesn't include homophobic sociopath Virginia Foxx.
I have literally been in strategy sessions where Democrats have said that her bizarre and extremist presence in Congress does them more good than harm and that there's no reason to run any candidates against her since she is probably the single least effect member of Congress and a warning signal to moderates across party lines that, at its core, the Republican Party offers nothing but extremism, fanaticism and a world turned upside down by ignorance, hatred and fear.
But she's not crazy and radical enough for the teabaggers. A 49-year old teabagger, Brad Smith, a lifelong Republican, is running a Doug Hoffman type campaign against her! He cites Glenn Beck as his inspiration.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_NUZ_fM-TQKQ/SxK934DdAoI/AAAAAAAAPqc/KYsel_Zy3BA/s400/Picture+1.pngWill Foxx's extremism lead to the same fate as Robespierre's
http://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/I don't know how they found anybody crazier than Foxx. How did they penetrate the tinfoil to get a message through to tell somebody to sign on?