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Air Force Relents on Tattoo Ban

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 12:00 PM
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Air Force Relents on Tattoo Ban
Air Force Relents on Tattoo Ban

SACRAMENTO, CA - An Air Force recruiting spokeswoman told News10 the service will offer a 30-day grace period to recruits otherwise ineligible to join under a strict new tattoo policy.

As News10 first reported Monday, the Air Force last week revised its tattoo policy to prohibit any body art on the "saluting arm," as well as tattoos above the collarbone that would be revealed by a shirt with no collars.

News10 interviewed two young men with tattoos on their right arm who learned they had been disqualified on the eve of their flight to San Antonio for basic training.

Josh Parker, 18, of Benicia has a tattoo of his name written in Hebrew. George Sanchez, Jr., 19, of Roseville has his family's name tattooed in Japanese characters. Both young men were exploring tattoo removal, which can take up to six months and cost $1,000 or more.

Spokeswoman Christa D'Andrea of the Air Force Recruiting Service in San Antonio said any recruit who was scheduled to begin basic training at Lackland Air Force Base within 30 days of last Wednesday's policy change would be allowed to continue, as long as their tattoo or tattoos had been approved under the previous policy.

D'Andrea said the exemption would likely be extended to all 17,000 recruits who have been waiting to begin basic training.
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imdjh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 12:18 PM
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1. See, Mom was right.
Seriously, nothing says, "I don't expect to make a living working for someone else." quite like having "prison wannabe" tattooed on your neck or face.
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