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How Republicans Hope to Tie Up the Senate

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 12:09 PM
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How Republicans Hope to Tie Up the Senate

How Republicans Hope to Tie Up the Senate

Roll Call notes that Senate Republicans "may not have the physical numbers to filibuster the Democrats' health care reform bill, but they have wasted little time in using the Senate's rules to their utmost advantage in their quest to trip up consideration of the measure."

For instance, instead of offering a conventional amendment to the bill this week, Republicans used "an esoteric procedural tactic" that would send the bill back to committee with instructions to eliminate certain cuts. If successful, Republicans would force Democrats to "hold another filibuster-killing vote on whether to restart debate on the bill."

"Republicans said they are likely to use the procedural tactic repeatedly during debate this month as they seek to make the point that the Senate should go back to the drawing board on the health care bill."
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rfranklin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 12:18 PM
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1. Delaying tactics...the Dems should use their techniques...
Just ignore them, ignore the rules and pass the damn thing. It seems that was done with a variety of bills when the Republicans ruled the roost.
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