I voted for Obama. It was my first time ever being eligible to vote and I was proud of it...and in many ways I still am.
During the campaign I heard every word he said about Afghanistan being the necessary war. I don't like war. Cure the poverty and the lack of education and Before it was an abstraction of gut-wrenching photos and the horrific stories that go with them. As some of you may know issues of the war have come home to me in very deep and personal ways. War has hurt someone I deeply care for; it is no longer an abstraction for me but something that has left me crying at night.
I figured/hoped Obama's talk about fighting in Afghanistan was tough-talk to secure the middle-roaders but I also figured he had seen things we didn't. He saw the reports and wouldn't lie about them. Would he lie just to get elected? If so, shame on us for being so easily duped after spending so many years congratulating ourselves for not being hood-winked by Obama's predecessor.
In the last 10 months we've seen what he campaigned for come to fruition...and my heart is breaking. War means people will be killed, hurt and scarred. Families will grieve, young men and women will have to learn to walk or feed themselves with prosthetic limbs nearly all of them will have memories they will live with in silent anguish.
I know Obama didn't lie to me. I know he doesn't fight for corporate interests.
...he said we're essentially leaving in 18 months: win, lose or draw. Will Afghanistan be able to carry itself? I don't know. I read recently that they had an army of 250,000 with pretty good stability before the Soviets invaded in the 70's. We're only shooting for an Afghan army of 150,000 and they have no reason to trust us if we're leaving in 18 months, their own fortunes be damned.
That strikes even me--an absolute military novice--as a silly thing. Why should we stay for 18 months? It seems arbitrary. What if it takes 19 months? I certainly have no desire to see Afghan surrendered to a bunch of misogynist killers. We aren't the world police but as the Brits say, "In for a penny, in for a pound."
Is it merely coincidence that Obama will begin withdrawing troops just before the 2012 campaign season kicks off? Is he cynically gaming the polls at the expense of human life?
I don't think he's doing it to game us progressives. Yeah, we're mad at him (actually we're mad at the war, he is merely the face of it now) but let's face facts: if Sarah Palin or someone like her gets the GOP nomination in 2012 we'll be clawing our way over each other to vote for Obama/against her.
Is he doing it for the RWers? pheh! He could defeat the taliban and cure cancer but they will rail about spending, loss of freedom, taxes, liberalism and the other cliches.
Is he deploying troops to curry favor with the independents? Let's be honest: most Americans prefer a "strong national defense" and they do not like appearances of weakness (were Gandhi and MLK really all that weak?). These are the swing voters and they want their macho displays. Without them Obama is sunk and we will have a Palin on our hands and wars won't be an issue because we'll have plenty for everybody...bring the whole family after church.
It crushes me to think Obama would game the polls for these people. I'm mad at them for being who they are (not hating, hate is bad, I'm mad). I wish they would shed their Rambo imagery and realize how many beautiful people are being hurt.
I don't know what to think or even what to do. All I can do is hold my boyfriend close and kiss his cheeks because he's a beautiful man and I'm glad he came home from the war. And tonight when he wakes up from the nightmares I'm going to hold him closer and do my best not to let him see me cry because he just needs to know he is safe and loved.