Now I'm going to stick my foot in my mouth. As I understand India most of the country is divided into states but in the north there are these other things that are sort of like Princedoms. They are run by (I won't even come close on the spelling) Sheiks (the guys who wear the Turbins) who are in a Governmental sense holdovers from an earlier time. That's probably all wrong and I'd be pleased to be corrected but at the moment that is my vivid misunderstanding. At any rate these governors of the northern provinces, including those that surround the disputed region of Kashmir, are not going to be very receptive to Muslim fanatics trying to pass over into their territory. Hindus are funny that way.
I also see India and the most natural of allies for us. We have an awful lot in common and not one reason on the face of god's green earth to dislike one another. As I see it we should be as close to India as we are to Canada. Sure, there might be some minor disputes, but absolutely nothing that could actually come between us.
As I said, probably and misguided and misinformed opinion, but I'm sure willing to be corrected.