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"Charlie Brown" is Nazisit, communist and Bigoted! Fucking spy!

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Froward69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 07:34 PM
Original message
"Charlie Brown" is Nazisit, communist and Bigoted! Fucking spy!
Edited on Wed Dec-02-09 07:36 PM by Froward69
Chris Nevitt is my City councilman.

Cameras? NO on sight smoking???

close the bars and Hospitals while your at it "Councilman Charlie Brown"..!. Does he have Shit for brains?

On Edit/:rant: :banghead: :wtf:
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htuttle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 07:36 PM
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Systematic Chaos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 07:43 PM
Response to Reply #1

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Froward69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 08:45 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. educate Yourself...
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Arkana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 12:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
14. I expect that this sound is heard a lot at those tea party rallies.
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Bluebear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 07:44 PM
Response to Original message
3. WHARRGARBL!! No "on-sight" smoking!!1
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anigbrowl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 07:58 PM
Response to Original message
4. You are the kind of inarticulate nutcase that builds support for views like his
Maybe if you had taken the trouble to compose your thoughts instead of venting random nonsense you would find more support. As it is, all I can say is that if you were in my dispensary, I'd ask you to leave...and use public transport to get home.
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Froward69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 08:46 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. read up on the subject pal
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anigbrowl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 01:27 AM
Response to Reply #7
12. I already know all about it. Like I said, you bring this kind of thing out in people.
That's what you get for your stupid OP. You are a bad reflection on pot users.
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Froward69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 12:18 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. Getting angry (and venting) because
some City councilman is intent upon curtailing a legitimate business with a "reefer madness" mentality. Is somehow wrong?

Ol' Charlie wants to single out Marijuana Dispensaries, Holding them to a higher standard than Liquor stores, Bars, hospitals or Pharmacies.
getting angry at his obvious bigotry and venting here is all I was trying to do.

I sure as hell would not vent like that in a newspaper forum.
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anigbrowl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 01:01 PM
Response to Reply #13
15. This is a public forum as much as a newspaper
I guess your point is that you feel among friends here, but as pointed up by the 'WHARRGARRBLLL' posts, your OP just did not make any real sense. I guess I like my vents to be articulate.
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Froward69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 01:02 PM
Response to Reply #15
16. like this?
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alcibiades_mystery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 08:45 PM
Response to Original message
6. Communication FAIL
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Froward69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:13 PM
Response to Original message
8. Marijuana and Driving

That range has not been shown to extend into the area that can rightfully be regarded as dangerous or an obviously unacceptable threat to public safety. Alcohol present in blood concentrations around the legal limit (0.10 g/dl) in most American States is more impairing than anything subjects have shown after THC alone in our studies. As mentioned, medicinal drugs have had worse effects on psychiatric patients' driving performance in other studies employing the same test procedures. If not blatantly dangerous, however, the effects of THC alone in this study were certainly more than slight. They were of sufficient magnitude to warrant concern. Drivers suffering the same degrees of impairment as the present subjects did after THC alone would be less than normally able to avoid collisions if confronted with the sudden need for evasive action.
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BakedAtAMileHigh Donating Member (900 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:23 PM
Response to Original message
9. So Get Involved Already!
I'm fairly certain I am the only poster who understood exactly what you were talking about before clicking the links.

I agree, Charlie Brown is a complete ass clown, really need to remain coherent, amigo. You helpeth not the righteous cause with your rambling. if you want to help out, come to the meeting later this month!

Medical Marijuana Stakeholder Meeting

**Calling all Patients, Providers, and Advocates**

SAVE THE DATE: On Saturday, December 19, 2009 Sensible Colorado and allies will be hosting a Stakeholder Meeting to craft a unified legislative agenda for 2010.

In the face of a new legislative session, when numerous state officials have declared their intent to run statewide medical marijuana related bills, it is crucial that the voices of patients and advocates are not forgotten.

Please attend this important meeting which will include presentations by legislators and national and local leaders. Come hear an update on pending legislation and give input on what policies you think would best help patients and caregivers.

WHAT: Stakeholder meeting to discuss Medical Marijuana policy in 2010

WHEN: Saturday, December 19, 2009 from 1-4PM

WHERE: Denver, CO (final location TBA)

WHO: This event is free and open to the public. Join patients, providers, legislators, and advocates.

Stay tuned for more details - including exact event location - as the meeting date draws nearer.

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Froward69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:31 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. I got angry and needed to vent.
Thank You, I think I will be there.
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BakedAtAMileHigh Donating Member (900 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:52 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. oh, I understand completely
I attended the marathon 15 hour State Health Board hearing in July and my lovely girlfriend attended the teleconferenced clusterf**k run by that same group of clowns just last month. Of course, everything they tried to do in both meetings was overturned in court the very next day, but every idiot in city and state government (and there are a whole lot of 'em, Brown is just the beginning) wants a piece of the action, whether that be regulation or tax dollars or both.

Either way, we need to stand up for the rights of Colorado Medical Marijuana patients under Amendment 20.

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