The U.S. Constitution leaves the decision to wage war to Congress, and Congress can enforce its decision not to wage war by refusing to fund it. Blocking a funding bill for wars requires the House of Representatives alone, and both Democrats and Republicans in the House are rapidly joining us in saying No to war funding.
It's time to finally get serious, to lobby, to protest, to sit in, to nonviolently disrupt and resist in local district offices until enough Representatives commit to voting No on any bill to fund more war.
Here's a link to a rapidly-changing whip list in the form of a google document that you can embed on your own website:

One technique to use in pressuring your (mis)-Representatives is to run primary or general election challenges against them. A great example is Marcy Winograd's primary challenge, expected to unseat incumbent Jane Harman next year. Winograd has committed to voting No on war funding:

The "No You Can't Rally"
“No You Can’t!” Rally at White House December 12
Unity Among Peace Movement Groups against Obama War Escalation - Warning of Reprisals to Troop Surge
Over 100 leading peace activists have announced an ‘Emergency Anti-Escalation Rally’ at the White House on December 12, from 11a.m. to 4 p.m., to reject President Obama’s planned military escalation in Afghanistan. The rally is organized by End US Wars, a newly formed coalition of national and grass-roots antiwar organizations, with endorsements from leading peace leaders. Speakers include: Cynthia McKinney, Sen. Mike Gravel, Kathy Kelly, Chris Hedges, David Swanson, Phyllis Bennis, Rev. Graylan Hagler, Coy McKinney, Debra Sweet, Brian Becker, Mathis Chiroux, Lynne Williams, Hon. Betty Hall, Elaine Brower, Marian Douglas, Michael Knox, Ralph Lopez, Ron Fisher, and statements from Col. Ann Wright, Stephen Zunes and Granny D (turning 100).
Peace of the Action
Make plans now to join us in nonviolent resistance to war in Washington, D.C., in March 2010: