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London doubted legality of Iraq war. US officials "was all going to be sweetness and light."

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:08 PM
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London doubted legality of Iraq war. US officials "was all going to be sweetness and light."
London doubted legality of Iraq war

LONDON, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- Washington did not take the post-conflict reconstruction of Iraq very seriously during its plans for invasion, a London inquiry into the war heard.

Earlier this year, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown ordered an inquiry into the British involvement in the U.S. plans to invade Iraq and its subsequent involvement in the war.

The inquiry, which kicked off last week, is examining currently the planning stage and the diplomatic maneuvering that preceded the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

Peter Ricketts, who served as the political director of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 2001 to 2003, told the inquiry that British officials were shocked by the degree to which Washington neglected the post-conflict phase, London's Guardian newspaper reports.

Lawmakers had warned that a failure to draft plans to protect Iraqi civilians during the occupation was a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Edward Chaplin, who served as the top Middle East expert in the British government at the time, said there was "a touching belief" among U.S. officials that the post-conflict phase "was all going to be sweetness and light."
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aquart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:11 PM
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1. Yep, just sweeping up the flowers and candy.
When we read the postwar plans, they were quite stunning. Very nice plans for cleanup after, say, a hurricane. They would have worked nicely in, say, New Orleans. Not the smallest thought that anyone might, say, object.
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dysfunctional press Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:12 PM
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2. "a touching belief" or a "touched" belief..?
i'm going with the latter.
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Lone_Star_Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:13 PM
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3. I actually think the Bush admin thought they'd be greeted with candy and rose petals
Imagine Bush's surprise when the only thing thrown at him was a pair of size 10s.
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rurallib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 09:34 PM
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4. what could go wrong with competent administrators like
Paul (call me Jerry) Bremer?
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