I'm quite confused on the whole purpose of our adventures to "defeat" terrorism. Isn't this impossible on the face of it.
There is a scene from the movie "Godfather II" that some of you might recall.
Michael was to meet with Roth in Havana concerning the future of their investments there. This was during the time just before Castro took over. He arrives at a party being thrown by Roth celebrating his birthday. Once the cake is cut, Michael expresses his concern about the stability of the country. Roth tells him that the rebels in the hills are merely a distraction and that he shouldn't worry about them.
Michael tells Roth...."I'm not so sure." "I saw an incident on the way over here."
Michael begins to tell Roth about what he witnessed in the downtown streets of Havana. He told him that he saw a rebel pull the pin on a grenade and jump into the back of a police car carrying the police chief. The grenade went off killing the police officials and of course, the rebel. Michael stated that this told him a lot about the rebels. When Roth asked him what he meant by that, Michael stated: "It means that they can win."
How do you defeat people that are willing to die for their cause? You don't. It's that simple.