Every Sen Speaking On The HCR Bill Should Have To First State How Much $$ They Took From HC Insurers
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Thu Dec-03-09 12:37 PM
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Every Sen Speaking On The HCR Bill Should Have To First State How Much $$ They Took From HC Insurers |
For example, "I have taken $___ dollars from Healthcare Insurers in the last 12 months before speaking today."
That would put the Senator's comments in the proper perspective.
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Thu Dec-03-09 12:38 PM
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1. Yes!!! Then they have to agree to exchange their Cadillac plan for the HCR |
bill they say is good for us.
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Thu Dec-03-09 12:38 PM
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2. make them wear suits like racecar drivers |
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Thu Dec-03-09 12:41 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. I always liked this idea, but some of the Senators would be covered head to toe... |
... and walking would be impaired.
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Thu Dec-03-09 12:42 PM
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4. Great idea, how do we have this implimented? n/t |
endless october
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Thu Dec-03-09 12:49 PM
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5. all railing against a public option should have to give up their own public health care |
and buy private insurance on the "open" market.
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Thu Dec-03-09 12:49 PM
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6. Good idea. I got an email this morning from VotingBloc.Org.. |
They are starting a campaign to have lawmakers give back all money they have received from private insurance for campaign contributions, before they are allowed to vote on and go forward with health reform.
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Thu Dec-03-09 12:54 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
7. Hmm. It sounds like something to write Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi about. |
Not that they pay attention, but it should make them feel very uneasy at the least if they are flooded with mail, email and telephone calls about this.
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Thu Dec-03-09 01:44 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
12. That's all well and good, but the money will be returned |
to the congresscritter after the voting is done. The congresscritter already knows how much will come back. They shouldn't be allowed to vote on the bill at all if they've received money from the insurance industry, etal. They should be instructed that they have to recuse themselves because of their monetary interests.
Better Today
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Thu Dec-03-09 01:05 PM
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8. Full disclosure would be great, it would also be nice to know how many of their |
family members work at administrative or higher positions in HC, or are on boards.
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Thu Dec-03-09 01:08 PM
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9. yes, why doesn't the chairman make them? |
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Thu Dec-03-09 01:08 PM
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10. You are a freakin' genius! |
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Thu Dec-03-09 01:33 PM
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11. Maybe one of the supporting senators could use his time to read the list. |
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Thu Dec-03-09 01:47 PM
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13. Unfortunately I think MORE Senators have taken $$ than those who have NOT... |
... but putting it to a vote would astound people by the number of Senators voting against such a proposal.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:54 PM
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