That's the percentage of Americans who said the country should "mind its own business internationally" in a new Pew poll, a potentially troubling isolationist sentiment for President Barack Obama in the wake of his commitment of 30,000 more American troops to Afghanistan earlier this week.
The trend line on the question in the Pew poll, which is conducted every four years and is aimed at testing the American public's sentiment about its place in the world community, is somewhat remarkable.
Back in December 2002, just 30 percent of the Pew sample agreed with the "mind its own business" sentiment. By 2005 that number had risen to 42 percent. The current number -- 49 percent -- is the highest it has ever been on the question in more than four decades of Pew data.
It's impossible to pinpoint why isolationist sentiment has increased in recent years but it's hard not to see America's muddled involvement in Iraq as the prime driver of those feelings among the public.