rudepundit Fuck me, Glenn Beck's Xmas Sweater has started early, and look, he found a new group of black people to sing. He gives so much.
rudepundit If this series of tweets stops suddenly, it means Beck's goons have gotten to me. 37 minutes ago from txt
rudepundit I know this is Bergen County, NJ on a Tuesday night, but there ain't a dozen people here.
rudepundit Here comes Beck. He's like Garrison Keillor gone mad. Telling stories like a huckster...oh, fuck, he's already choking up.
rudepundit I'm not shitting you. I'ts five minutes in and this fucker's weeping, preening that he's gonna tell us his greatest shame.
rudepundit Now he's showing last year's Xmas Sweater stage show video. And it's like a Simpsons parody of a Xmas stage show.
rudepundit This fucker actually fancies himself an actor. God, I hate you, Glenn Beck.
rudepundit This is like being face-fucked by an angry bearf.
rudepundit It's like watching someone skull fuck Jimmy Stewart's corpse.
rudepundit Young Eddy, the kid character that's Beck, wants a bike. It's Xmas morning...will his widowed Mom get it for him?
rudepundit No, it's just a fucking sweater. What a whore his mom is.
rudepundit His mom knit the sweater while he watched Little House on the Prairie? I want to slap his manboobs.
rudepundit He crumpled the sweater and threw it in the corner? Good. Teach his kooz mom a lesson.