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Chrebet Says He Is Shocked That Hofstra Cut Football Program

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FarCenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 10:53 PM
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Chrebet Says He Is Shocked That Hofstra Cut Football Program
By Aaron Kuriloff

Dec. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Former New York Jets receiver Wayne Chrebet says he was shocked to learn that Hofstra University was eliminating its intercollegiate football program because of its cost and lack of fan support.

The Hofstra alumnus, who currently works for Morgan Stanley, said in a telephone interview that he had a dozen text messages about the school’s decision when he landed in Toronto in advance of tonight’s National Football League game between the Jets and the Buffalo Bills.

“We just built something that we thought was special,” said the 36-year-old Chrebet, noting that the football program started in the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division III before climbing to Division I-AA, one level below top programs such as the University of Florida. “We got to be a ranked team. We got a couple of guys in the pros. Hofstra got to be a well-known school.”

Hofstra’s board voted unanimously to discontinue the program to “redirect those resources toward academic initiatives and need-based scholarships,” according to a letter from Stuart Rabinowitz, the Hempstead, New York, university’s president, posted on its Web site.


Start of a trend? Universities may dump a variety of unproductive activities, including varsity sports.
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FarCenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 10:57 PM
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1. Northeastern calls an end to football

Northeastern University plans to announce today that it is ending its football program after 74 seasons, saying it is unwilling to invest the millions of dollars needed to improve the team to meet the school’s ambitions.

President Joseph E. Aoun and the board of trustees endorsed the move Friday after an extensive, two-year review of the athletic program by its director, Peter Roby. The decision to eliminate football follows six straight losing seasons and sparse game attendance at a school whose ice rink often sells out for hockey.

Northeastern football did not fall victim to the recession or a fund-raising crunch, university officials said. Instead, school officials came to terms with the hard truth that the $3 million-plus annual program needed more help - millions more each year - than Northeastern wanted to give.

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ProudToBeBlueInRhody Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 11:15 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That's a shame
Plus, Boston College will cry and whine about one less free win a year!
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Renew Deal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 11:27 PM
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3. I'm sad to hear it.
Hofstra had great facilities for football. The Jets trained there up until a couple years ago. I wonder if losing the Jets affected the decision.

The fact is that there was little support for the team from the community. College football isn't that big around here, and Hofstra was a FCS team so there is no spotlight.
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-03-09 11:28 PM
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4. The Arts high school in our district abolished all sports.
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Odin2005 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-04-09 12:12 AM
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5. Colleges are for learning. DUH!!!
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