Mary Mentha Andersen was 31 years old when she met Barack Obama. She had just married the Norwegian Dag Andersen and looked forward to starting a new life in Åsgårdstrand in Vestfold (Norway). But at the airport in Miami, she was told that she had to pay $ 103 in overweight if she would get with both her suitcases to Norway. She could not afford that.
- I was completely desperate and tried to think through which of the assets I could manage without. But the bags were filled with the best I had. I started to cry, tears poured and I did not know my wit's end. Then I heard a gentle and friendly voice behind me say, "I pay for her.", she has previously told VG.
The tall, dark man with the gentle voice was Barack Obama. He is currently the U.S. President. Back then he had recently completed work as social worker in Chicago and had started with law studies at the prestigious Harvard.
Obama wrote down the name and address on a paper, so that Mary could pay back the money when she came to Norway. She did the day after she arrived in Norway. She saved the paper note for several years.
- If I get to meet him in Oslo, there will be a great end to a beautiful story, she says to VG Nett.
http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/artikkel.php?artid=590444Sorry for the English, it's mangled thru google translator.
It says something about your president, who he is.
Now she wants to give Obama 'selbuvotter' in thanks :D