Edited on Fri Dec-04-09 10:05 AM by demhistorian
Which politicians, activists, writers, websites, blogs, PACS, technology, etc. have had the biggest influence in politics (for better or worse) over the last 10 years?
Here are a few of mine in two of the categories I mentioned(in my opinion)
#1: Barack Obama - for recapturing the White House for the Democratic party. #2: (tie) Rahm Emanuel - love him or hate him, he's made major waves both as White House COS and as head of the DCCC during the midterm election of 2006. #2: (tie) Howard Dean - His 50 State Strategy revived the Democratic grass roots and helped set the stage for President Obama's unlikely capture of the Democratic nomination in 2008. #3: David Axelrod - Chief strategist for Obama's 2008 presidential campaign. #4: Al Gore - his 2000 presidential 'loss' energized Democrats in their opposition to George W. Bush and his tireless work on raising Global warming awareness has moved the issue into the mainstream. #5: Nancy Pelosi - the first woman speaker of the house.
Honorable mentions: Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton (for the Clinton Global initiative) Hall of shame: Joe Lieberman
1. DailyKOS 2. Democratic Underground 3. Bart Cop 4. Media Whores Online 5. Buzz Flash
Well, that's my choice in two of the major categories.