The Charleston GazetteCHARLESTON, W.Va. -- U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd says the American coal industry must change, as it has changed before, and that it's time to "speak the truth" and "have an open and honest dialogue about coal's future in West Virginia."
In a major commentary published Thursday, the West Virginia Democrat also said the suggestion that health-care reform should be blocked until the coal industry's demands are met in Washington is "beyond foolish" and "morally indefensible." Some leaders, including the head of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce, have advocated such a tactic.
The longest-serving member of Congress in United States history called on coal industry leaders to stop using Washington and the permitting process for mountaintop removal mining as a scapegoat.
"Scapegoating and stoking fear among workers over the permitting process is counter-productive," Byrd wrote. "Public anger toward federal regulatory agencies can damage the state's ability to work with those agencies to West Virginia's benefit."

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This is a major move for Byrd.
i don't agree with his comments on clean coal and a lot of things, but this is direct response to the rightwing infiltrators we have to deal with in the WV Democratic party and their demonization of environmentalists and the EPA. It's almost a point-for-point rebuttal to Senator Rockefeller's horrible pro-mountaintop removal commentary a few weeks ago.
Byrd said loud and clear that he'll have no part of the coal industry's attempts to derail health care or any other temper tantrums they may throw if they don't get everything their way on MTR like they did under 8 years of bush.
Byrd still has a ways to change, but this is a major step in the right direction and has everyone in the fight against mtr excited.