Dems fear abortion could kill health bill
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 (UPI) -- U.S. Senate Democrats are becoming more worried that disagreements over abortion will derail healthcare reform efforts, a political source says.
The Washington publication Politico Saturday quoted an unnamed Senate aide saying a vow by conservative Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska to filibuster reform legislation unless it contained restrictions on abortion coverage has set off worries the bill won't have enough votes to pass the chamber.
"There is a worry that Sen. Nelson means business," a senior Senate Democratic aide told the publication. "Unlike with the public option, there is very little ground liberal Democrats are willing to give on this issue. Abortion, not the public option, may be the cause of our first official defection."
The two sides in the abortion fight are using the weekend to line up support ahead of a debate that could begin as early as Monday, Politico said, noting that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., had hoped to resolve abortion-related amendments by the weekend.