Saturday December 5, 2009
By Joseph Morton
WASHINGTON — As debate on health care legislation got off to a slow start this week, Nebraska’s senators found plenty of fault with the sweeping Democratic proposal.
Sen. Mike Johanns, a Republican, called the bill “incredibly flawed,” and Sen. Ben Nelson, a Democrat, continued to press for the changes he included in a two-page wish list to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
Nelson wants to:
* Include tighter, House-approved restrictions on federal funding for abortion.
* Drop or change the new government insurance plan, called the public option, included in the legislation.
* Scale back or eliminate some of the excise taxes use to pay for the bill. Nelson says those taxes would be passed along to consumers in the form of higher premiums.
* Eliminate a voluntary federal program to provide long-term care insurance and cash benefits to people with severe disabilities. Supporters say that program, known as Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, would be financed with premiums and improve care for the country’s disabled. Nelson says the program would not be financially sustainable long term.
Nelson said there are other items on the list, but he would not identify them.
FULL story at link.