But the fact is I will never stick up for this war on terror no matter who is in office.
Do I have a better solution? Oh hell yes, but it's the solution of a dreamer.
I mean what do I know right? A guy like me thinks that terrorism isn't about the Koran and killing all the infidels, a guy like me doesn't believe that they "hate us for our freedom". A guy like me thinks that maybe, just maybe it's a bit deeper than that. That maybe the terrorists hate us not for our freedom but for our greed. Maybe they are pissed off because the CEO of Goldman Sachs has gold fucking faucets on his yacht yet there are homeless children in nearly every country in the world. Maybe they are angry because we spend our money coming up with better faster ways to kill while people all over the world suffer. Including here at home.
I see no short term solutions but what I do see is us continuing in the same direction that got us here in the first place, and that is no solution at all.
Of course my "dreamer" solution would be to instead of spending BILLIONS killing them and destroying their countries we could send engineers over there with the BILLIONS, to build their countries up instead of tearing them down. Instead of pointing a gun at them we reach out our hand and give them a lift up. Now I may be naive but I'm not stupid, you go in somewhere with money and engineers and the military goes with them for protection. I know if I saw a tank on my street and they were looking for "terrorists" I'd lock my damn door and arm myself. However if they were there to protect the guy filling in the pothole in front of my house I'd be bringing them fucking coffee and donuts.
But we as Americans seem to be buying into that whole "fuck you, pick yourself up by your bootstraps" "I got mine, fuck you" mentality. Even on DU there is speak of "those people" and how "those people would never allow a democracy in their country." Well fuck all, I don't give a shit if they don't want a Democracy. I just don't want them killing Americans because of our greedy corporations and government. There is no way to completely eliminate terrorism, but you can reduce it to next to nothing in two ways. The first is to keep killing them all... perpetual war forever. The second is to eliminate the root of the damn problem but that is impossible when the media, and the government lie about what the problem is. Frankly when you start looking at the circular logic at work here it's enough to drive a person mad.
Now I'm sure there will be many here to tell me what an idiot I am. And you may be right. But I do know this, until we get campaign finance reform, until we get rid of lobbyists until our government goes back to working for us instead of the corporations until we remove the FUCKING MONEY FROM EVERY DECISION WE MAKE, we will continue to shit all over the less fortunate and terrorists will continue to have plenty of recruiting material and this "war" will never end.