working directly against poverty, I have seen that there would be less poverty is the money the government allocated toward relief of poverty would go directly into the hands of the people in need. Instead it gets filtered through a receiver/distributor, usually a university study that is supposed to manage the resources better than could the people in need. But that's just an excuse to skim of 70% and then pass on the rest to the lower middle group of underpaid social workers who are given the next big idea and asked to distribute it, but by the time they get paid, all they are distributing are ideas and encouragement. And everyone shakes there head and says "what ashame such a good idea is so underfunded. Maybe if the study is successful, they'll give us more..."
Yeah, it's nothing new. Just like ancient days. Its like a feast where the rich people, the educated people, the elites of this country need to get theres before the groundlings get anything but maybe to suck on the bones and hear stories about how good the next feast is going to be.