I was just trying to find out if we were aggressively trying to stop the arms flowing into Afghanistan, to basically force the Taliban to stop fighting for lack of supplies. A couple of Google searches has led me to ask a different question. Whose War Is This?
If the arms come from
China, and the ideology comes from
Saudi Arabia why are we sending our troops to kill and die in Afghanistan?
If the
Chinese and Saudis want to attack a nation, shouldn't the blood be on their own hands? Shouldn't they be paying for their own war, rather than draining more and more from our economy? Shouldn't our place be to be feeding the bellies and minds of these people under siege? Violent extremism is learned, and can be unlearned. Shouldn't we be trying to
actually stop it? In all honesty, it's hurting them too. No one should have to live with a mind full of that kind of darkness and fear.
From everything we hear in the news
China is crushing us on the economic front. Most of the hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and were trained in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan and China have very good
relations, as do
China and Saudi Arabia.
Norinco, a Chinese state-owned company makes the model of
AK-47 that the Taliban use, unless they've suddenly switched weapons and suppliers. They say these guns are now also made in the autonomous region of Pakistan. If you were fighting a war do you think you'd use a
Khyber Pass Copy AK that might blow up in your face or a real one from a reliable Chinese manufacturer with whom you already have a relationship? If they could put
300,000 AKs on
American streets, how hard would it be to send them to Afghanistan through their
friends in Pakistan?
Why on earth is
China willing to
fund a war with American soldiers in large numbers so close to their border? Does that make sense? Why would we be willing to
take money to fight this war from the ONLY nation in the world that is a competitor to us militarily, especially given these conditions?

Did someone who knew what we did to
Russia in
Afghanistan decide they might try it on us - using the Chinese as the weapons supplier and the
Saudis/Pakistanis as the recruiting tool? How do we know they don't have some arrangements that we are not privy to? Are we omniscient now? What if we are wrong?
If the Russians knew they were fighting us by proxy in
Afghanistan, do you think they would have pulled out? Remember, the first casualty of war is the truth, and the second is
common sense.

They're all making plenty of money on this, of course. War in the region creates more risk in the oil markets, so oil goes through the roof. The Chinese are loaning us money at interest, flooding our markets with goods and taking our jobs. War, Inc., makes out in all these affairs and on both sides, as is their MO.
Speaking of money, just because former President Bush and his
family had
close ties with both
China and
Saudi Arabia does not mean they were using good judgment? If you look over a myriad of events during their term in office, it becomes obvious they did not always use good judgment.
A man's judgment is only as good as the information he has, and the family situation here suggests to me that their information was definitely colored by their
associations. They have invested a lot in those friendships. Should we assume that all parties involved are being

You would think all these men in the DoD who plan for every
contingency possible, including being attacked by Canada, that these possibilities would have been thought of. They should be a lot better at analyzing all the possible angles than I am. What's the greater danger here? Strategists
Jiang Zemin's military could have planned this years ago. Iran could be playing us, with
China and SA happily playing along assuming they can grab what's left on the cheap and have better positioning to boot. Have you read the
Art of War?Look at a map of the region, then look at where we're sending troops. Technically, we as a nation are in the pincers between Saudi Arabia and China with Iran as a buttress between. Our armed forces are now being sent, willfully, into the pincers to be smashed against the Hindu Kush. This same mountain range has crushed many powerful nations. Why are we being so foolish? Why such hubris?

Honestly, if we were attacked by an actual nation tomorrow, as opposed to a rag-tag team of
militants, could we respond? Do we have sufficient industry at home to create the needed munitions to defend without any raw material and/or manufacturing from China and elsewhere? Could we defend from an invasion on our soil? I'm just saying at what point does our
security obsession become a real threat to our national security? National security depends on much more than just some
big bombs and looking tough.
If we continue this madness, and break ourselves against the Kush, as we seem to be intent on doing, then the
madness itself will have finally done what the
Nazis failed to do - which is bring down both America and the
Soviet Communists. Whose world is it then? Who wins? Whose ideals prevail? Who gets the most marbles?
How do we make it stop?
edited for silly typo